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Expo & Content Sessions: 12 - 14 Nov 2024
VIP & Partner Events: 11-14 Nov 2024
Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town



Products & Services

Secutec offers a complete host of solutions and products.

These can be tailor-made to your enterprise or include out of- the-box products. Furthermore we offer a wide range of services, from installations to screening & monitoring to problem solving and analysis. Our experienced team is trained to provide fast and efficient security services. Secutec employs Gartner’s Adaptive Security Framework: Predict, Prevent, Detect and Respond. The adaptive security architecture provides continuous, pervasive monitoring and visibility. All of our services fall into one of these four categories.


Secutec was founded in 2005 with a vision of offering unparalleled service for enterprises and governments when it comes to cyber security & intelligence. Our customers value us for: being one-step ahead, our flexibility, being quick to respond, focusing on the long-term and offering them high-quality professional

These points happen to be foundations of our corporate company culture and are crucial for building a trusted relationship with our customers. Through partnerships with national and international suppliers, we have access to the latest data and trends in the field of cybercrime. As a result, customers of Secutec are assured that their current solutions are always up-to-date. Furthermore we have developed our own unique tools that make us a pioneer at the forefront of cybersecurity in the roaring twenties of the 21st Century.

Find us at the event

  • Stand number
  • F90